Virginie se présente…

J’ai rejoint l’équipe de divine [id] il y a 4 ans et je travaille en étroite collaboration avec les chefs de projet et le webmaster. Je m’occupe principalement de la Communication Print des congrès (programmes, flyers, roll up…) mais aussi des réseaux sociaux (dont ce blog) et des newsletters.

L’intégration en interne d’un pôle PAO/Web est une vraie plus value pour le client, car nous pouvons répondre à sa demande très rapidement par rapport à une agence externe.
Quand à la délivrabilité des newsletters, nous y apportons une attention toute particulière en faisant appel à un prestataire professionnel extérieur pour l’envoi. Celui-ci nous permet d’envoyer jusqu’à 100 000 emails par mois et gère les bounces (retours), les désinscriptions, tout en respectant les lois et en évitant d’être considéré comme spammeur.
Nous avons également une base d’adresses emails de destinataires qualifiée en médical.
Suite à l’envoi, nous étudions attentivement les statistiques : taux d’ouvertures cumulées et distinctes, nombre moyen d’ouvertures par destinataire, comportement des destinataires, taux de réactivité, répartition des ouvertures par jour, répartition de clics par lien…
De nombreuses sociétés (St Jude Medical, LeMaitre Vascular, Bard, Microport, etc.) nous ont fait confiance pour créer et envoyer leurs campagnes d’emailing. Et chaque sponsor nous confie également les siennes en amont de leur participation à un congrès.
Vous avez un projet de MICE, de lancement de produit ou de service ou une quelconque information à communiquer (vœux, invitation à un événement…), confiez vos campagnes d’emailings à divine [id] et moi-même.
Notre réactivité, notre créativité et notre professionnalisme seront les garants d’une campagne d’emailing efficace. Pour tout renseignement :
Voici quelques exemples variés de nos créations :
divine [id]
Massilia SUP Race
La Douleur
About Virginie…
I would like to tell you about my active part in my job that has been going on for several months. Four years ago, I joined the team at divine [id]. I work closely with project managers and webmaster. My responsibilities are in print communication for the congresses (i.e. programs, flyers, roll-up’s…) as well as newsletters and social networks (including this blog). According to the client’s requests and briefing, I manage the HTML coding, as well as the graphics of the newsletter.
We integrate our talented graphic design department in the agency as part of the process to benefit the visual needs of our clients. In comparison to using an external agency, we are able to answer and find solutions quicker for our client’s requests.
Special attention is given to the delivery of the newsletters by outsourcing our mailings. While respecting the laws and prevention of e-mails to be considered as spam, we can send up to 100,000 emails per month, manage the bounces (returns) and the non-registrations. We also have a database for email adresses of qualified medical recipient.
After sending, we study the statistics: rate of cumulated and distinct openings, median number of openings per recipient, recipient behavior, reactivity rate, openings distribution per day, clicks distribution per link, etc…
Many companies (St Jude Medical, LeMaitre Vascular, Bard, Microport, etc.) and others congress sponsors had confidence in us to create and to distribute their emailing campaigns.
For your project, event, product or service launch, or any information needed to be communicated (news, invitation to an event etc…). Myself, as well as the team at divine [id] have the solution.
Our creativity, professionalism and quick response will guarantee an effective email campaign for you!
For more information, please contact:
Here are some varied examples of our creations:
divine [id]
Massilia SUP Race
La Douleur
We integrate our talented graphic design department in the agency as part of the process to benefit the visual needs of our clients. In comparison to using an external agency, we are able to answer and find solutions quicker for our client’s requests.
Special attention is given to the delivery of the newsletters by outsourcing our mailings. While respecting the laws and prevention of e-mails to be considered as spam, we can send up to 100,000 emails per month, manage the bounces (returns) and the non-registrations. We also have a database for email adresses of qualified medical recipient.
After sending, we study the statistics: rate of cumulated and distinct openings, median number of openings per recipient, recipient behavior, reactivity rate, openings distribution per day, clicks distribution per link, etc…
Many companies (St Jude Medical, LeMaitre Vascular, Bard, Microport, etc.) and others congress sponsors had confidence in us to create and to distribute their emailing campaigns.
For your project, event, product or service launch, or any information needed to be communicated (news, invitation to an event etc…). Myself, as well as the team at divine [id] have the solution.
Our creativity, professionalism and quick response will guarantee an effective email campaign for you!
For more information, please contact:
Here are some varied examples of our creations:
divine [id]
Massilia SUP Race
La Douleur
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